After seeing the polemic that arose on having published the article in which it was giving my opinion about the state of the Spanish blogosfera of video games, I thought that the following step was to ask to the Public relations (PR) of the companies about his opinion on this matter. For it, I prepared a small common interview for all, and got in touch with them to see if they could answer it. Although any of them could not do it for norms of the company, others yes that cheered up to give his point of view, and although many answers are “of commitment”, I believe that an interesting debate is opened …
Mónica García, PR Manager of Activision
For you: is there a lot of difference between a blog and a web of video games, or only there matter the quality of the contents and the public that they have?
One of the beginning of the area of press of Activision, is of offering our help to all kinds of means (online, printed matter, television, radio …). We try to come to all kinds of publics, and the best way of doing it is to work straight with the different hardware of communication that, fortunately, offers the market of the video games.
Is not it risked to support a blog who can think negatively about your products, or it is fulfilled that thing about that “the bad publicity does not exist”? On the other hand: is it possible that the above mentioned support limits the freedom of expression in this way?
The idea from which we depart when we initiate a work relation with mass communication media is that of the respect and the mutual collaboration; we have no had problems with anybody, everything opposite, and I hope that we should keep on being supported in this work line.
As for another question, surely not, we offer support whenever it is in our hand. For example, the fact that a way does not value as we would like one of our qualifications, it does not imply that we are not going to send to him new copies to analyze.
Do you believe that the opinion spilled in a blog has so many influence in a user like the one that has a way more traditional?
Undoubtedly, the blogs are turning into big modality on the market of the video games; something logical if we think about the profile of age of our users (big fans of the social networks and other services of the Web 2.0), and about the immediateness that demands a market as ours.
Without adhering only the blogs: do you believe that real journalism is done on video games in our country, or in general it predominates over the fashion of publishing news and analysis without reflecting in what there is around?
The explosion mediática suffered recently in the sector leads us to finding all kinds of publications and, precisely this immediateness about which he was speaking to you previously, does that often the news that are published is not correct. We invite to any type of way to contact with us before any doubt about the qualifications of Activision; it is advisable, principally when some rumors are gathered from foreign means, to confirm the information before his publication.
Are you still any video games blog? If the answer is affirmative: what are your favorites?, and in the opposite case: why?
Manuel Moreno, Marketing Manager of FX InteractivatesAs responsible for press for Activision big part of my work resides in the direct dealing with the means, without distinctions between the same ones.
For you: is there a lot of difference between a blog and a web of video games, or only there matter the quality of the contents and the public that they have?
In FX we have always treated about the same form to all the web pages that have asked us for collaboration, they were already blogs of fans or webs of top mass media. I believe that with this I answer to your question
And although the hearing is important, for me it is fundamental that the content that is generated is treated seriously. Trufados did not support the superficial articles with set phrases as “it does not contribute anything new to the genre” written by editors who have not dedicated any more than one pair of hours to the game. And on the other hand, I ask …: Is it that perhaps every game has to reinvent the wheel to be provided with the approval of the editor of shift?
It turns out to be chilling to me to observe how someone whose major merit has been to write in a magazine online, allows himself the luxury of treating with an incredible scorn the work of a group of professionals that, with major or minor wise move, but with a titanic effort they have sweated bleeds to do a commercial game. And I say "titanically", because any game that goes out to the market, for incredible that it him seems to some, has been the result of a heap of working time.And I cheer all the skeptics up that they leave the pen and start being employed at a development study
Is not it risked to support a blog who can think negatively about your products, or it is fulfilled that thing about that “the bad publicity does not exist”? On the other hand: is it possible that the above mentioned support limits the freedom of expression in this way?
We do not have any problem in which the blogs think with freedom. And if, in any case, the criticism is well based and reasoned, it does not have why to be a villain. I put you in example with “Imperivm Civitas“. Although in Italy it works very well, in Spain the fans prefer the first deliveries of the saga, more centred on the classic RTS that in the style city builder. And we have realized because in some blogs, and their own forums are criticized that we continue for the way of “Civitas“, and do not change third towards the RTS. This type of criticism in the long run might make us gain enclosed money …
On the other hand, in FX we have done presentations and events dedicated definitely to the blogs with qualifications like “Jack Keane“, who was commented in more than 70 blogs, or “Worldshift“, a magnificent RTS that has not worked in sales as we were waiting, but it was provided with good criticism in the blogosfera. And although the risk that they criticize you is there, if you have done a good work and the game has quality, does not have why “frog“ goes out for you.
In relation to your second question, although there happen cases of contents influenced by the marks, I believe that the author of the blog who respects his own work will not allow to be influenced. If his pretension is to be provided with the respect of his hearing, he has not left other one.
Do you believe that the opinion spilled in a blog has so many influence in a user like the one that has a way more traditional?
That depends on the blog and on the way with which they are compared. But yes, sometimes a blog can determine more even that a traditional way as he could be Meristation or Micromania, for putting two examples of way of role and online.
And this is good because it helps to open the debate, he avoids informative monopolies and especially, teaches us that the absolute truth does not exist and that in fact for every player there is a different "truth" from the others.
Without adhering only the blogs: do you believe that real journalism is done on video games in our country, or in general it predominates over the fashion of publishing news and analysis without reflecting in what there is around?
Except few exceptions, in Spain there are still no specializing journalists who could generate quality contents and, at the same time, they could live of it. Namely the journalist's video games profession still does not exist just as it is on sports, culture, economy, etc.
This is sad and it should not be like that, but a few years are still missing until this happens.
In fact, nowadays it are blogs that by his content and style can be considered to be more "professionals" than specializing mass media. The passion and the professionalism with which some blogs create his contents confirms sometimes with the tone "funcionarial" that has settled in specializing means of relevancy, which only do an effort for those games that the editor-in-chief or the collaborators consider to be his personal "totem poles".
This also begins to happen between the blogs network that they devote themselves to write on video games and the industry. The difference between some and others is that the blogs do not live of it, but the video games webs yes try to make the living with this work.
Are you still any video games blog? If the answer is affirmative: what are your favorites?, and in the opposite case: why?
Borja de Altolaguirre, PR and Product Coordinator of KonamiI continue several across RSS almost every day. If I want to know about the actuality I follow some in particular (AnaitGames, VidaExtra, Akihabara Blues, PixeBlog de Pedja) because normally his contents cover most of the excellent information that offers me a video games web. And when for what I look is more contained by them of opinion I go to others (GamesAjare, The blog of Manu, Dandel, a little of Anait, a little of Akihabara, …).
For you: is there a lot of difference between a blog and a web of video games, or only there matter the quality of the contents and the public that they have?
The difference is the one that they contribute themselves, although generally also it usually look for the side of the traffic and the resources. Fortunately, nowadays thanks to 2.0, most of the blogs can gain access to technologies of management of contents and audio-visual hardware that a few years ago were unthinkable. To today, the only thing that separates a blog of a portal his followers' mass is and as well Indian, his publishing quality.
Is not it risked to support a blog who can think negatively about your products, or it is fulfilled that thing about that “the bad publicity does not exist”? On the other hand: is it possible that the above mentioned support limits the freedom of expression in this way?
The censoring is an actuality topic these days, it is no any more that to see the whole circus mediático that has been organized concerning Google and his position opposite to China. In the moment in which any person can buy a game, register a domain, install Wordpress and start writing, it is absurd that we try to veto this access to the opinion and the freedom of the press. Although it us could sting, we always try to offer all the means and resources so that, if it is the opinion – it is the one that is - it is based, it relies on with all the necessary arguments to express a good criterion.
Do you believe that the opinion spilled in a blog has so many influence in a user like the one that has a way more traditional?
Absolutely. Big part of the wealth of a blog is in the comments that there contribute his readership and the community that it generates. With Twitter, for example, we see like this theory it is completely real, and it has been translated in a real revolution of the genre of opinion, although now it will have the traditional means to move card.
In Konami for example, we support a constant relation throughout the whole year with the fans of “Pro Evolution Soccer” across threads in our own blogs and fansites. Sometimes we ask them to refill surveys, which send to us his suggestions on some certain topic, but we like entering more “his territory”, and seeing how they debate and think without any limitation. This has many other advantages that to mount an official feedback forum on the game, and it has a much more important influence than any of them could never go so far as to imagine.
Without adhering only the blogs: do you believe that real journalism is done on video games in our country, or in general it predominates over the fashion of publishing news and analysis without reflecting in what there is around?
Never generalizing is good, and in our country we have a very good level in the traditional specializing press and blogosfera, already excelling itself those years in which some sectors of the press general practitioner was flogging to the sector of indiscriminate form. The success and maintenance of the means of reference owes to his success like communicators, and that's why they are there. It is necessary to be sorry very much about the losses that have taken place in the last months with the closing of several specializing publications of role, but on the other hand also we have seen as there was coming to Spain an exemption as important as Eurogamer, or like groups of communication as important as CORNER, Publishing Unit or Vocento have bet very loudly for entering this segment of the journalism.
Are you still any video games blog? If the answer is affirmative: what are your favorites?, and in the opposite case: why?
Lidia Pitzalis, Responsible for press of MicrosoftTo speak about my personal preferences would be slightly political, but the truth is that when it is a question of reading “for the work” I do it across the feeds of Google Reader. There are so many information sources, that with this I save a lot of time opening and closing windows. Out of Spain I read every day, Gamasutra; and the blogs of MTV Multiplayer and GameLife de Wired
For you: is there a lot of difference between a blog and a web of video games, or only there matter the quality of the contents and the public that they have?
Every mass communication media have his style and – inside this fundamental difference - the only thing that seems important to us there is the quality and the rigor of his contents, which are not missing to the truth, which the sources verify, and which count excellent histories.
Is not it risked to support a blog who can think negatively about your products, or it is fulfilled that thing about that “the bad publicity does not exist”? On the other hand: is it possible that the above mentioned support limits the freedom of expression in this way?
If in spite of "supporting" you refer to investing in advertizing campaigns, we are always ruled by concepts of measured hearing officially and affinity to the target, which they can give themselves so much in blogs or in “more conventional” means, inside a professionalism context.
Nevertheless, at support level as for mailing of news and samples to analyze, we do it with the excellent means, and many of these are Blogs. We believe that if someone “thinks negatively” and of respectful and argued form, it is in his right, any time it remains clear that it is a question of a personal opinion. Different would be the case of disrespect and professionalism, which undoubtedly might affect the fluency of the relation that we support with the most numerous means.
I have been observing with interest numerous initiatives that in the USA are taking place about the blogs, and of his need to be ruled by a code deontológico and of professionalism. This is the only excellent key. If a "bloguero" is characterized for offering us his personal opinion, it is vital that this one does not attempt to the truth, and that the sources investigate before judging. I like that the "blogueros" meet and exchange opinions and learning, also in our country. I hope that they should agree to create and respect a few behavior codes, to the thread of what has happening in the USA, and have big curiosity to see who will lead these initiatives.
Do you believe that the opinion spilled in a blog has so many influence in a user like the one that has a way more traditional?
We are living through a very interesting moment of evolution of the means, thanks to the participation and interaction that allows us the networks network and personally it looks like to me a big luck to be attending and to taking part in this change.
Since I have repeated, the only element that influences me is the seriousness of the way, independently from the “typology of supports” to the one that belongs.
Many blogs are governed by persons with big knowledge in a very concrete sector. To know the “personal opinion” of an expert seems to me of big interest, and according to the context and the information that we look, can bring us more than the reportage of a journalist that probably he does not know in depth the numerous topics that he analyzes every day.
Without adhering only the blogs: do you believe that real journalism is done on video games in our country, or in general it predominates over the fashion of publishing news and analysis without reflecting in what there is around?
There is nothing that seems less interesting to me than to read news or post that traces a press release. It seems to me to fail to the promise done to the readership to analyze and to reflect on any attempt of “publicity“, and to leak it under the prism if it is or is not a news worth being few.
With this premise, I throw in major absence reflection in general. And I do not refer to extensive and often boring articles that do not reach port very much, but to this depth of analysis that can be plain, while deep, that excites me.
Are you still any video games blog? If the answer is affirmative: what are your favorites?, and in the opposite case: why?
José Arcas, PR of specializing press of NintendoOne of my heroes was a big Italian sports journalist who never yielded to the temptation of revealing his favorite team, not to discriminate to the rest. I will imitate his wise example
For you: is there a lot of difference between a blog and a web of video games, or only there matter the quality of the contents and the public that they have?
As you comment, as important as a good number of followers is that they offer a different way of speaking about the same and the quality of what they write.
Is not it risked to support a blog who can think negatively about your products, or it is fulfilled that thing about that “the bad publicity does not exist”? On the other hand: is it possible that the above mentioned support limits the freedom of expression in this way?
We believe that the quality of the product depends only and exclusively of the quality of the product. Although it turns out to be very obvious, if the game is really good, they will speak well, and if it is bad, will speak badly.
Do you believe that the opinion spilled in a blog has so many influence in a user like the one that has a way more traditional?
All the means, of role or Internet, add up, and obviously, an opinion of a blogger that demonstrates knowledge and independence can have the same weight as that of an informative way to the use.
Without adhering only the blogs: do you believe that real journalism is done on video games in our country, or in general it predominates over the fashion of publishing news and analysis without reflecting in what there is around?
We are a relatively young industry, therefore it is evident that the journalism on the video games also it is. It does not a lot of time, only alarmist was speaking to himself in newspapers or television of the video games from a point of view. The fact that now more people dedicate time to the video games it is evident in all the aspects.
Are you still any video games blog? If the answer is affirmative: what are your favorites?, and in the opposite case: why?
Diana Radetski, PR Manager of SEGAFor my work I continue all the mass media that they should speak about video games, of course, blogs included. Of those that more I read it is a Universe Nintendo.
For you: is there a lot of difference between a blog and a web of video games, or only there matter the quality of the contents and the public that they have?
There is blogs and webs of all kinds, not for paying a domain there is going to be better one that other. In the quality and in the contents it is where the difference is evident. It are webs that seem more to a blog, and vice versa. The public also is different, the blogs do it generally more for hobby or for fondness, and offer his opinion to a public who usually has similar interests, and think about how with whom to share his tastes and opinions freely. In principle, a web supposes that it is a professional way, has to limit to being more a target and sometimes it does not offer the possibility so that the people could interact.
Is not it risked to support a blog who can think negatively about your products, or it is fulfilled that thing about that “the bad publicity does not exist”? On the other hand: is it possible that the above mentioned support limits the freedom of expression in this way?
Unlike what he believes, yes there is bad publicity. It is necessary to know what games you send to whom, and to have his tastes and public also in mind. For example, to send an infantile video game to a blog - or web - that there are more of video games hardcore, he has not greatly sense. They will not like, for very good that it is, because it is not done for a person with this age or tastes. Anyway, I believe that we risk equally independently of that if it is a blog or a web: who checks it can have a bad day, have no time to play it and to form this way a real opinion, or thousands of things that can influence this person.
With regard to what you comment of the freedom of expression, it does not have porqué.
Do you believe that the opinion spilled in a blog has so many influence in a user like the one that has a way more traditional?
There are some blogs that I believe that they are opinion leaders, and yes, they have so many influence as it can have a more traditional way.
Without adhering only the blogs: do you believe that real journalism is done on video games in our country, or in general it predominates over the fashion of publishing news and analysis without reflecting in what there is around?
I believe that there is a little of everything. But if we want that our sector is strong, and that it survives over the course of time, it is necessary to work so that it is as professional as possible: and I refer to that when I say that the people should take what does seriously - well that it is for hobby or for money - because since you dedicate time, better to be right in it. It is a sorrow when a way devotes itself only to cut and give what others say or what one orders them, it loses the whole intention. To be one between a heap, without proper voice …: why to have a blog or a web if you do not contribute anything of really yours?
Are you still any video games blog? If the answer is affirmative: what are your favorites?, and in the opposite case: why?
Mónica Revilla, PR Manager of Sony Computer Entertainment SpainFor my work I have to continue a little of everything, and look at some with more attention because they are much currados. I have my favorites, but I prefer not to say it, do not want that they lose his impartiality
For you: is there a lot of difference between a blog and a web of video games, or only there matter the quality of the contents and the public that they have?
Some years ago yes there was more difference. Now, every day the borders between webs and blogs they are diluted more, and the blogs are acquiring a major relevancy. In any case, already a web or a blog talks each other, what yes that we value is the content that there is published, his publishing quality and, of course, his veracity.
Is not it risked to support a blog who can think negatively about your products, or it is fulfilled that thing about that “the bad publicity does not exist”? On the other hand: is it possible that the above mentioned support limits the freedom of expression in this way?
If for supporting we understand to give product so that this one is analyzed by experts in the matter, we do not see where the risk is. Obviously, in the whole tax year; PlayStation throws to the market very good products, others only good, and others that it are not so much. To hope that they all should go out valued to the rise is a complicated challenge, for not saying impossibly. With regard to the maxim at that you aim of that “the bad publicity does not exist”, it is something relative. Nobody likes that they throw for ground a development in what time has been invested, illusion and money, but it is a risk that we cover all the companies, and sincerely I believe that if the criticism is constructive and argued, welcome they are because undoubtedly it is the best way of learning facing future throwings.
In the relative thing to limit the freedom of the way across advertizing investment, the PlayStation politics has never been this. We believe and defend firmly in the freedom of the press, and have clearly differentiated the departments of writing and publicity. In any case, it is a task of the proper way to defend his objectivity over advertizing investments.
Do you believe that the opinion spilled in a blog has so many influence in a user like the one that has a way more traditional?
Since it depends on the reader and his knowledge. A “chance gamer” will always pay more attention to a traditional way, and will allow to be guided by him, undoubtedly it is the easiest way. On the other hand, one “heavy user” yes that will look for opinions in another type of less traditional means, as there can be the spilled ones for blogers.
Without adhering only the blogs: do you believe that real journalism is done on video games in our country, or in general it predominates over the fashion of publishing news and analysis without reflecting in what there is around?
There is of everything, a few means make it better and others worse. There are very good and very serious means that do very good analyses, and there are others that limit themselves to cutting and giving a press release or translating what webs foreigners have already written. In any case, it is not possible to generalize, and I want to make yes clear that in Spain there are journalists specializing in frankly good video games.
Are you still any video games blog? If the answer is affirmative: what are your favorites?, and in the opposite case: why?
ConclusionsObviously, for my work I have to continue them. With regard to my favorite? It will always be that that confirms the information before proceeding to his publication. My personal opinion is that there are too many rumors that are published lightly without thinking about the consequences, and this is not a journalism, as I understand it.
Although there is a clear interests conflict at the time of answering these questions, I believe that some interesting conclusions can be extracted. The first thing, the fact is that it seems clear that the border between the webs and the blogs every time is more diffuse, although there exists the vision of which in the latter type of means it predominates over the opinion of the editors over giving a more "neutral" version of the information, something with what I agree.
In this sense, it is necessary to stay with the idea on that they comment, of trying to give the best thing in our blogs every day, and to try to contribute our sand granite to give an alternative point of view. As well Diana says: “why to have a blog or a web if you do not contribute anything of really yours?“.
On the other hand, many PR worry about the big quantity of rumors that are published, especially about the facility that give to verify the veracity of the same ones. Obviously, it turns out to be very tantalizing to publish as soon as possible information that should seem interesting to us, but often there is much bigger the damage that we do misinforming the reader, that the possible benefits for publishing news rather than “the competition”.
It seems curious to me that some of them coincide that to publish the releases of such press which is an error. Nevertheless, I believe that this topic opens another debate that well an article deserves in itself: What quantity of information of the one that is published every day is excellent? Really does a blog have to aspire to turn into a "newscaster"?
In any case, in these days I have read of everything - and they have accused me of many things - but I have realized a detail: for much that should speak to himself about this topic, everything is going to be still equal. The people who thinks that it is necessary to publish that filling is going to keep on doing it, because it is an easy route to have the updated blog. Also I realize well that the people take the criticism too much to breast, but this is something that, unfortunately, I have already verified in other ambiences of my life.
He did not want to finish this article without mentioning that I try to be either a judge nor censor of anybody, it is not even my intention to despise the work of the others. I do not also think that this blog should be an example to be continued in many aspects, but what yes I believe, it is that it is always possible to improve. Is not it worth trying it?
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